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1.社会转型期中国体育发展方式转变研究 (国家社科基金课题,2011-2015年,编号:11BTY014)。




























[2]评《篮球运动基础科研理论与方法》[J].科研管理,2019,40(09) ,CSSCI.(T)

[3]民族旅游场域中传统体育文化的选择性重构——基于山江苗族博物馆的田野调查[J].成都必发9988集团学报,2018,44(03) ,CSSCI.(T)

[4]体育游戏对孤独症儿童沟通行为影响的个案研究[J].武汉必发9988集团学报,2018,52(01) ,CSSCI.(T)

[5]体育冠名权的法理分析——一个球衣换名案引发的思考[J].武汉必发9988集团学报,2017,51(09) ,CSSCI.(T)

[6]国际化体育城市评价指标体系研究[J].武汉必发9988集团学报, 2017, 51(07) , CSSCI.(T)

[7]我国冰雪体育旅游企业营销战略研究[J].武汉必发9988集团学报,2016,50(04) ,CSSCI.(A)

[8]体育用品产业集聚溢出效应的演变和发展[J].武汉必发9988集团学报,2015,49(10) ,CSSCI.(T)

[9]体育产业核心竞争力评价体系及其实证研究[J].北京体育大学学报,2015,38(09) ,CSSCI.(T)

[10]城镇化进程中体育权利的保障路径——以失地农民为例[J].武汉必发9988集团学报,2015,49(08) ,CSSCI.(T)

[11]中南地区冰雪体育旅游资源价值实现研究[J].中国体育科技,2015,51(04) ,CSSCI.(T)

[12]我国申办冬奥会的优劣势[J].体育文化导刊,2015(01) ,CSSCI.(T)

[13]生产方式视域下的中国体育发展方式转变探析[J].北京体育大学学报,2014, 37(12) ,CSSCI.


[15]中国社会转型对中国体育发展的影响[J].成都必发9988集团学报,2014,40(02) ,CSSCI.(T)

[16]我国体育明星社会化问题探讨[J].体育文化导刊,2014(01) ,CSSCI.(T)

[17]成绩资本产权的主要现实表现形式及法律思考——以我国专业运动员为视角[J].武汉必发9988集团学报,2013,47(11) ,CSSCI.(T)

[18]依附理论对中国竞技体育发展的启发[J].成都必发9988集团学报,2013,39(05) ,CSSCI.(T)

[19]传统义利观下当代竞技体育伦理观优化分析[J].伦理学研究,2013(03) ,CSSCI.(T)

[20]论我国专业运动员成绩资本产权的性质及法律权能[J].北京体育大学学报,2013,36(05) ,CSSCI.(T)

[21]我国高校体育场馆对社会开放的困境与优化策略[J].北京体育大学学报,2013,36(01) ,CSSCI.(T)

[22]我国专业运动员成绩资本产权的权能特征[J].武汉必发9988集团学报,2012,46(11) ,CSSCI.(T)

[23]儿童体育干预个案研究[J].中国体育科技,2012,48(03) ,CSSCI.(T)


[25]2010年世界健美操锦标赛男单项目过渡与连接动作分析[J].北京体育大学学报,2011,34(12) ,CSSCI.(T)

[26]湖南省全运会等级项目群体的竞技实力研究[J].成都必发9988集团学报,2011,37(07) ,CSSCI.(T)

[27]优秀女子网球运动员硬地单打技术特征分析[J].北京体育大学学报,2010,33(10) ,CSSCI.(T)

[28]篮球、蹦床运动员在辨别任务中的返回抑制时程特征[J].体育学刊,2010,17(01) ,CSSCI.(T)

[29]DJS型灵敏素质电脑测试系统[J].体育科学, 2000(01). CSSCI.






[35]论蹦床运动的发展趋势与动态[J].北京体育大学学报,2000(01) ,CSSCI.




[39]蹦床比赛动作难度、类型与稳定关系的研究[J].北京体育大学学报,2004 (11),CSSCI.

[40]体育社会评价指标体系的研制[J].北京体育大学学报, 2004(12),CSSCI.

[41]我国体育明星无形资产开发的理论初探[J].北京体育大学学报, 2007(01),CSSCI.























































Li yanling, male, Han nationality, born in xinning county, hunan province, member of the Communist party of China, graduated from sports education and training major of Beijing sport university in June, 2000, doctor of education, professor (second level), doctoral supervisor. Director of the Ph. D. Program of the First Class Discipline of Physical Education of Hunan Normal University (2006-2019), member of the Degree Committee of Hunan Normal University (2001-2011), editorial board member of the Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University, vice chairman of the Skills Committee of International Gymnastics Federation (2005-2012), National colleges and universities sports teaching steering committee members of the education ministry of China (2006-2012), in hunan province colleges and universities sports teaching steering committee, deputy director of the committee (2006-2020), in hunan province colleges and universities sports humanities and sociology discipline leaders, skills project international referees, trampoline project international referees, canoeing international referees, Standing director of Physical Education Committee of Chinese Higher Education Association, director of Hunan Higher Education Association. He has published more than 110 papers (including 69 CSSCI papers), presided over 2 national level projects, more than 20 provincial level projects, a number of departmental level projects, and obtained 2 invention patents. In 2014, he was awarded the title of Excellent Teacher of Hunan Province and the second class merit (Hunan Provincial People's Government). In 2008, he was awarded the first level talent of "121" New Century Talents of Hunan Province.

Ipresided over the research, educational reform projects


(1). Research on the transformation of sports development mode in China during the social transition period (National Social Science Foundation Project, 2011-2015, No. : 11BTY014).

(2). Research on social evaluation and sustainable development of sports (National Social Science Foundation Project, 2001-2004, No. 01TBY005).

(3). Construction and practice of professional comprehensive quality target system, teaching site and evaluation system for physical education major (Key Project of National Educational Science Planning in the Tenth Five-Year Plan Period, 2001-2005, No. : DLA010367).

(4). Legal Protection of Sports Rights (Philosophy and Social Science Research Project of General Administration of Sport of China, 2013-2015, No. : 1870SS13031)

(5). Research on China's sports system reform during the transition period from a sports country to a sports power (General Administration of Sport of China, 2011-2012, No. : 1361SS09050).

(6). Research on social evaluation index system of national fitness (Soft Science Project of General Administration of Sport of China, 2006-2008, No. : 908SS06040).

(7). Research on Commercial Utilization and Legal Protection of Sports Naming Right (Soft Science Project of General Administration of Sport of China, 2003-2004, No. : 549SS03058).

(8). Research on the Reform of Sports Management System in China (Soft Science Project of General Administration of Sport of China, 2003-2004, No. 423SS02069).

(9). Cost Analysis of Social Transformation and Sports System Reform (Social Science Foundation Project of Hunan Province, 2002-2005, No. 02YB08)

(10). Development of camera ranging system (Project of Hunan Science and Technology Department, 2002-2004, No. 02SSY30104).

(11). Research on Information Processing of Camera Ranging and Velocity Measurement (Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, 2004-2006, No. 04JJ40043).

(12). A Comprehensive Study on the Curriculum Content Reform of Theoretical and Technical Discipline for Physical Education Speciality (Subproject of the Key Program of National Education Science Plan during the Tenth Five-Year Plan Period, 2002-2005, No. : DLA010384).

(13).Study on information of trampoline competition preparation for 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games (Program of General Administration of Sport of China, 2004-2008).

(14). Comprehensive research on training and practice of trampoline in China (Project of General Administration of Sport of China, 1998-2000, No. 98023) (Project of Olympic Games and Asian Games).

(15). Research on the Development of Hunan Peasant Sports and Fitness Project (Hunan Social Science Planning Office, 2015, No. : 15YBA276).

(16). Research on the Entrepreneurship Mode of Undergraduates majoring in Social Sports (Teaching Reform Research Project of Universities in Hunan Province, 2012-2014, No. [2012]401).

(17). Development of a new test system for physical and technical subjects (Research Project of Higher Education of Hunan Province, 1996-1999, No. : 96085).

(18). A Study on the Reform of Undergraduate Curriculum Program of Physical Education Major in Colleges and Universities in Hunan Province (Teaching Reform Project of Hunan Normal University during the Tenth Five-year Plan Period, 2002-2005).

(19). Study on curriculum provision of social physical education (Teaching Reform Project of Hunan Normal University during the Tenth Five-year Plan, 2003-2005).

(20).A Study on the Benefit and Sustainable Development of Competitive Sports in China (Doctoral Fund Project of Hunan Normal University, 2001-2004).

(21). High-tech Sports Product Development and Research Center (2012-2016, Hunan Normal University Industry-University-Research Cooperation Demonstration Base).

(22). Sports Industry Maker Base of Hunan Province (Student Position Office of Hunan Department of Education (2016-2020)

2.Main Participation Projects:

(1). Research on the Development of Sports Social Psychology (2004-2006 National Social Science Foundation Project, No. 04BTY012) (the second host).

(2). Research on the Cooperative Construction of Sports Ethics and Legal Norms in China in the Transition Period (2003-2005 National Social Science Foundation Project, No. 03BTY012) (the 2nd host).

(3). Research on the Construction of Sports Culture (2013, Key Project of Sports Philosophy and Social Science of General Administration of Sport, No. : 1709SS11117)

II. Representational Academic Papers Published

[1] Analysis on the Technical Characteristics of the Thirteenth National Games' Rouliball Competitive Singles Athletes [J]. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,20,54(02),CSSCI. (T)

[2] Review of Basketball Basic Research Theory and Method [J]. Science Research Management,2019,40(09),CSSCI. (T)

[3] Selective Reconstruction of Traditional Sports Culture in Ethnic Tourism Field -- Based on Field Investigation of Shanjiang Miao Ethnic Museum [J]. Journal of Chengdu Institute of Sport,2018,44(03),CSSCI. (T)

[4] A Case Study on the Influence of Sports Games on Communication Behavior of Children with Autism [J]. Journal of Wuhan Physical Education University,2018,52(01),CSSCI. (T)

[5] The Legal Analysis of Sports Naming Rights -- Reflections on a Case of Naming of Sports Jerseys [J]. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,2017,51(09),CSSCI. (T)

[6] Research on Evaluation Index System of International Sports City [J]. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, 2017, 51(07), CSSCI. (T)

[7] Research on the marketing strategy of China's ice and snow sports tourism enterprises [J]. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,2016,50(04),CSSCI.(First author)

[8] The evolution and development of sports goods industry agglomeration spillover effect [J]. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,2015,49(10),CSSCI. (T)

[9] An Empirical Study on the Evaluation System of Core Competitiveness of Sports Industry [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2015,38(09),CSSCI. (T)

[10] The Guarantee Path of Sports Rights in the Process of Urbanization -- A Case Study of Late-lost Peasants [J]. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,2015,49(08),CSSCI. (T)

[11] A study on the value of ice and snow sports tourism resources in central and southern China [J]. China Sports Science and Technology,2015,51(04),CSSCI. (T)

[12] The Advantages and Disadvantages of China's Bid for the Winter Olympic Games [J]. Sports Culture Guide,2015(01),CSSCI. (T)

[13] Analysis on the transformation of Chinese sports development mode from the perspective of production mode [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2014,37(12),CSSCI. (T)

[14] Comparison of different countries and regions' holding positions in international sports organizations [J]. Sports Culture Guide,2014,(04).CSSCI. (T)

[15] The Impact of China's Social Transformation on the Development of Chinese Sports [J]. Journal of Chengdu University of Physical Education,2014,40(02),CSSCI (T)

[16] Discussion on the socialization of sports stars in China [J]. Sports Culture Guide,2014(01),CSSCI. (T)

[17] The Performance Capital Property Rights of Chinese Athletes [J]. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,2013,47(11),CSSCI. (T)

[18] The inspiration of dependency theory on the development of competitive sports in China [J]. Journal of Chengdu University of Physical Education,2013,39(05),CSSCI. (T)

[19] Optimal analysis of contemporary competitive sports ethics under the traditional view of justice and benefit [J]. Ethics Research,2013(03),CSSCI. (T)

[20] On the nature and legal power of performance capital property rights of professional athletes in China [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2013,36(05),CSSCI. (T)

[21] The dilemma and optimization strategy of university gymnasium opening to society in China [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2013,36(01),CSSCI. (T)

[22] The Power Characteristics of the Performance Capital Property Rights of Professional Athletes in China [J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Physical Education,2012,46(11),CSSCI. (T)

[23] A case study of children's sports intervention [J]. China Sports Science and Technology,2012,48(03),CSSCI. (T)

[24] Research on "Inclusive Growth" of Competitive Sports in China [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2012,35(02),CSSCI. (T)

[25] An Analysis of the Transition and Connection Movement of Men's Singles in the 2010 World Aerobics Championships [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2011,34(12),CSSCI. (T)

[26] A Study on the Competitive Strength of the All-level Sports Groups in Hunan Province [J]. Journal of Chengdu University of Physical Education,2011,37(07),CSSCI. (T)

[27] An Analysis of Hardcourt Singles' Technique Characteristics of Excellent Women Tennis Players [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2010,33(10),CSSCI. (T)

[28] The Time-history of Inhibition of Return in Athletes in Discriminating Task [J]. Journal of Physical Education,2010,17(01),CSSCI. (T)

[29]DJS Intelligent Quality Testing System [J]. Sports Science, 2000(01). CSSCI.

[30] The benefit analysis of China's competitive sports [J]. Sports Science,2000(05),CSSCI.

[31] Discussion on China's Olympic Strategy and the Development of Trampoline Sports [J]. Sports Science,2001(05),CSSCI.

[32] On the progressive reform of competitive sports system in China [J]. Sports Science,2002(01), CSSCI.

[33] On social evaluation and social evaluation of sports [J]. Sports Science, 2002(05),CSSCI.

[34] The status and level of competitive trampoline in China [J]. China Sports Science and Technology,2000(07), CSSCI.

[35] On the development trend and dynamic of trampoline movement [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2000(01),CSSCI.

[36] Social Transformation and the Reform of School Physical Education in China [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, 2002(06),CSSCI.

[37] Ethical Reflection on the Application of Sports Technology in Competitive Sports [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2003(06).

[38] General Education and Physical Education [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, 2004(04),CSSCI.

[39] A Study on the Relationship between the Difficulty, Types and Stability of Trampoline Competition [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2004 (11),CSSCI.

[40] The development of sports social evaluation index system [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, 2004(12), CSSCI.

[41] A theoretical study on the development of intangible assets of sports stars in China [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University, 2007(01),CSSCI.

[42] Analysis on the Cost and Benefit of the Reform of Competitive Sports System [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2008(02),CSSCI.

[43] Analysis on the Causes and Cultural Psychological Mechanism of Fashion Sports [J]. Journal of Beijing Sport University,2009(03), CSSCI.

IIIPublication of works and teaching materials


(1). Research on the Operation of Competitive Sports in China during the Transition of Economic System [M]. Changsha, Hunan Normal University Press, May, 2001.

(2). On Physical Education Curriculum [M]. Changsha, Hunan Normal University Press, August 2006.

(3). On Comprehensive Quality of Physical Education Majors [M]. Changsha, Hunan Normal University Press, August 2012.

2.Editor-in-chief of teaching materials

(1). Editor-in-Chief of the Complete Book of Olympic Sports [M]. Shenzhen, China. (Volume 1, Volume 2), International Culture Publishing House, August 2001.

(2). Editor-in-chief of Leisure, Entertainment and Sports [M]. Guilin. Guangxi Normal University Press, July 2003.

(3). Editor-in-Chief of Olympic Knowledge Reader [M]. Changsha, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House, August, 2004.

(4). Editor-in-Chief of Guide to Physical Education and Practice Examination [M]. Changsha. Hunan Normal University Press, 2003, revised in 2006 and 2008.

(5). Theories and Methods of Sports Scientific Research (Second Edition) Editor-in-Chief [M]. Changsha. Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, March 2009.

(6). Editor-in-chief of Modern College Physical Education Course [M]. Changsha. National University of Defense Technology Press, July 2010.

(7). Editor-in-chief of College Sports [M]. Beijing. Higher Education Press, September 2009.

(8). Editor-in-chief of Competitive Sports Events and Management [M]. Changsha. Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, November 2006.

(9). Editor-in-chief of Physical Fitness Training [M]. Changsha. Hunan Normal University Press, August 2012.

(10). Editor-in-chief of the Organization and Management of Sports Competition.[M]. Changsha. Hunan Normal University Press, June 2013.

(11). The chief editor of Cheerleading [M]. Hangzhou. Zhejiang University Press, August 2013.

(12). Editor-in-chief of Research Methods of Sports Science [M]. Changsha. Hunan Normal University Press, July 2018.

3.Translated works

(1). Cycle: Theory and Method of Sports Training (Translation) [M]. Beijing. Beijing Sport University Press, November 2011

(2). International Skills Score Rules (Translation) [M]. Beijing. Gymnastics Project Management Center, General Administration of Sport of China, 2001-2004; 2005-2008; 2009-2012; 2013-2016.

4. Participating in compiling

(1). Associate Editor of Gymnastics (second edition) [M]. Beijing "Eleventh Five-Year" National Planning Textbook Higher Education Press, July 2010

(2).Gymnastics (third edition), deputy chief editor [M]. Higher Education Press, November 2016

(3).Participation in Research Methods of Sports Science [M]. Higher Education Press, May 2015

IV. Awards and others

1. Awards

(1). Cost and Benefit of Competitive Sports in China, Second Prize, Philosophy and Social Science of Sport, General Administration of Sport, 2011.

(2).The Reform and Practice of the "Five Heavy-duty" Stepped Talents Training Mode of Physical Education "National Characteristic Major", First Prize, Hunan Education Department, 2013.

(3).Study on Physical Fitness Monitoring and Training and Its Mechanism, Hunan Provincial Natural Science Award Third Prize, 2012.

(4).Teaching Reform and Practice of Aerobics Course for Physical Education Major, Second Prize, Hunan Normal University, 2012.

2.Excellent courses

(1).Theory and Method of Sports Science Research (in charge of), 2009, Hunan Provincial Academic Degree Office.

(2). Aerobics General Repair (presided over), Education Department of Hunan Province, 2010.

(3). "Research Methods of Sports Science" will be approved as an online quality course of Hunan Province in 2020.

3.Social services

(1).From 2016 to 2019, I participated in the National Skilled Competition held by Gymnastics Project Management Center of General Administration of Sport of China every year, and served as the referee of the senior referee group in the National Skilled Championship in May or June in the first half of the year, and the National Skilled Championship in October or November in the second half.

(2).From 2016 to 2019, I participated in the commission of arbitration of Hunan University Students' Individual Competition every year.

(3).In October 2019, I participated in the refereeing of the 2019 FIA Canoeing Stillwater World Championship in Linyi, Shandong.

(4).In November 2019, participated in the judging of the 2019 International Canoe Marathon Championship in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

(5).2017-- 2019 Hunan sports industry special survey statistics, 750,000 yuan per year.

V. Participation in important academic conferences

1. October 2013 -- January 2014 Texas A&M University Senior Visiting Scholar for 3 months.

2. In August 2015, I went to Tokyo Gakuet University in Japan for a one-week academic exchange, mainly on school sports.

3. In April 2016, I participated in the Scientific Paper Presentation Meeting of International Chinese Society For Physical Activities and Health in Minnesota, USA.

4. March 2017 participated in the Scientific Paper Lecture of the Chinese American Sports and Health Society in Boston, USA.

5. Participated in the scientific paper presentation of the Chinese American Sports and Health Society in Nashville, Tennessee, USA in March 2018.

6. Mar. 2018 -- April 2018 Senior Visiting Scholar at Delaware State University for 1 month.

7. Participated in the Scientific Paper Presentation of the Chinese American Sports and Health Society held in Tampa, Florida, USA in April 2019.

8. In November 2019, he will attend the Sixth World Sports Game Conference in Tokyo Gakuichi University, Japan.

VI. Talent training

By April 2021, there are a total of 23 graduates or doctoral candidates, including 4 foreign doctors and 5 post-doctorates. A total of 160 graduate students have graduated or are currently studying for a master's degree.

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